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估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇的英文

"估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇"怎么读


  • gu
  • "估"英文翻译    estimate; assess; appraise
  • "孤"英文翻译    orphan
  • "古"英文翻译    antiquity; ancientry
  • "谷"英文翻译    valley; ravine; gorge
  • "股"英文翻译    thigh; haunches
  • "鼓"英文翻译    drum
  • "固"英文翻译    firm; hard; solid
  • "故"英文翻译    event; incident; happening; ...
  • "顾"英文翻译    turn round and look at; look ...
  • "雇"英文翻译    employ; hire
  • "顾" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(转过头来看; 看) turn round and look at; look back; look at 环顾 look around; 回顾 look back; review; 相顾一笑 smile at each other knowingly; 不屑一顾 not worth a single glance; 义无反顾 proceed without hesitation; be duty-bound not to turn back2.(注意; 照管) take into account or consideration; take care of; attend to 照顾 take good care of; look after; 兼顾 give consideration to both; 不顾个人安危 not give a thought to one's safety; 顾不过来 have no time to consider; unable to take care of; 这么多事你一个人顾得过来吗? you've got so many things to attend to. can you manage all by yourself?3.(拜访) visit; call on 三顾茅庐 call on sb. repeatedly (to enlist his help, etc.)4.(顾客来买货或要求服务) patronize; 惠[光] 顾 patronize; your patronageⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 顾炎武 gu yanwuⅢ副词[书面语]1.(但; 只是) but; howeuer; nevertheless2.(反而) on the contrary
  • "雇" 英文翻译 :    动词1.(出钱让人为自己做事) employ; hire 雇保姆 employ a housekeeper; 这家商店通常雇一些临时售货员来做圣诞节玩具生意。 the shop usually employs additional salespeople for the christmas toy trade. 他雇人割草。 he hired a man to mow the lawn.2.(租赁交通工具) hire 雇车 hire a cab
  • "估" 英文翻译 :    估构词成分。
  • "孤" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(幼年丧父或父母双亡的) orphan 鳏寡孤独 widowers, widows, orphans and childless couples2.(姓氏) a surname 孤远 gu yuanⅡ形容词(单独; 孤单) lonely; isolated; solitary 孤岛 an isolated island; 孤零零的 lonely and helpless; 孤雁 a solitary wild gooseⅢ代词(封建王侯的自称) i; my humble self (used by feudal princes)
  • "故" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(事故) event; incident; happening; accident 变故 unforeseen event; misfortune2.(原因) cause; reason 不知何故 not know why; 托故离开 make an excuse and leave; 无故缺勤 be absent without reason [cause]; 非有他故。 there's no other reason.3.(朋友; 友情) friend; acquaintance 非亲非故 neither relative nor friend; a perfect stranger; 沾亲带故 have ties of kinship or friendship4.[书面语] (特指祭祀之类的事) service of offering sacrifices5.(指旧的、过去的事物) the old 吐故纳新 exhaling the old and inhaling the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh6.(旧识; 老朋友) old friend 一见如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting7.(姓氏) a surname 故清远 gu qingyuanⅡ动词(死亡) die 亡故 pass away; 病故 die of illnessⅢ形容词1.(原来的; 从前的; 旧的) former; ancient; old 故址 site (of an ancient monument, etc.); 黄河故道 the old course of the huanghe river; 依然故我 be still one's same old self2.(已死的) deceased 故友 one's deceased friendⅣ副词(故意; 有意) purposely; intentionally 明知故犯 commit an offense knowingly; wilfully violate (a law or rule)Ⅴ连词(所以; 因此) so; therefore; conseqently; hence; on the countrary 途中遇事耽搁, 故未能按期到达。 i was held up on the way and so i was late. 无私故能无畏。 fearlessness stems from selflessness.; only the selfless can be fearless
  • "鼓" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(打击乐器) drum 定音鼓 tympani; 锣鼓喧天 a deafening sound of gongs and drums2.(形状、声音、作用像鼓的) drum-like things 耳鼓 eardrum3.(姓氏) a surname 鼓震 gu zhenⅡ动词1.(使物体发声; 敲) sound; beat; strike 鼓瑟吹笙 play lutes and blow pipe instruments; 鼓掌 applaud; clap one's hands2.(用风箱等扇) fan; blow with bellows 鼓风 work a bellows; make a blast3.(发动; 振奋) stir up; rouse; agitate; pluck up; incite4.(拍打) flap 鼓翅 clap the wings; 那只鸟鼓翼向河的上游飞去。 the bird flapped (its way) up the stream.5.(凸起; 涨大) bulge; pout 鼓着嘴 pout one's lips; 船帆迎风鼓起。 the sails swelled out in the wind. 他的两腮鼓得圆圆的。 he bulged his cheeks roundly.Ⅲ形容词(凸起的; 涨大的) bulging; swelling 鼓鼓囊囊的书包 a bulging bagⅣ量词(古代夜间计时单位, 更) watch 五鼓 the fifth watch of the night
  • "固" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词(结实; 牢固; 坚硬) firm; hard; solid 坚固 strong; 稳固 firm; stable; 本固枝荣。 when the root is firm, the branches flourish.Ⅱ副词1.(坚决地; 坚定地) firmly; resolutely 固请 firmly invite; 固辞 resolutely refuse; firmly decline2.[书面语] (本来; 原本) originally; in the first place; as a matter of course 固当如此。 it is just as it should be.3.[书面语] (固然) certainly; admittedly; assuredly 乘车固可, 乘船亦无不可。 admittedly we can make the journey by train, but there is no harm in our travelling by boat.Ⅲ动词1.(使坚固) solidify; consolidate; strengthen 固堤 strengthen the dyke2.[书面语] (保卫; 防御) defend 固国不以山溪之险。 it's not high mountains and deep valleys that best serve to defend a country.Ⅳ名词(姓氏) a surname 固乘 gu cheng
  • "古" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(古代) antiquity; ancientry 从古到今 from ancient times to the present; 厚今薄古 stress the present more than the past2.(先哲的遗典、道统) books or orthodoxies of ancient sages3.(古体诗的简称) a form of pre-tang poetry 五古 a poem with five characters to a line4.(古巴的简称) cuba5.(姓氏) a surname 古霸 gu baⅡ形容词(经历多年的) archaic; ancient; age-old 古画 ancient painting; 古时候 in ancient times; 古文明 elder [ancient] civilizationⅢ[前缀] (距今遥远的; 古代的; 原始的) paleo-; pale-; palaeo-; archaeo-; archeo- 古淡水生物学 palaeolimonology; 古文献学 archeography
  • "谷" 英文翻译 :    谷名词1.(两山或两块高地中间的狭长而有出口的地带) valley; ravine; gorge 幽谷 a secluded valley; 深谷 a deep valley; gorge; ravine2.(姓氏) a surname 谷杰 gu jie3.(谷类作物) cereal; grain 五谷 the five cereals (rice, two kinds of millet, wheat and beans); 稻谷 paddy rice4.(谷子; 粟) millet5.[方言] (稻或稻谷) unhusked rice6.(凹点) trough7.(小脑下方的窝) vallecula8.(困境) difficulty; dilemma 进退维谷 difficult either to advance or draw back; find oneself in a dilemma
  • "a股" 英文翻译 :    a share
  • "股" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(大腿) thigh; haunches 屁股 the buttocks2.(机关、企业、团体中的组织单位) section of an office or enterprise 股长 section chief; 总务股 general affairs section3.(绳线等的组成部分) ply; strand 把线捻成股儿 twist thread into strand4.(集资或财物平分的一份) share of capital stock; one of several equal parts 合股生意 joint partnership; 退股 sell shares; 优先股 preference shares; preferred stock5.[数学] (古代称不等腰直角三角形中较长的直角边) the longer leg of a right triangle6.(姓氏) a surname 股紫陬 gu zizouⅡ量词1.(用于成条的东西) 一股头发 a strand of hair; 两股毛线 two-ply wool; 一股泉水 a stream of spring water2.(用于气体、气味、力气等) 一股热情 a spell of enthusiasm; 一股新鲜空气 a whiff of fresh air; 一股劲 a burst of energy
  • "雇,租" 英文翻译 :    hire
  • "估57" 英文翻译 :    cobalt-57
  • "孤(共鸟)" 英文翻译 :    solitary tinamou
  • "故,原因" 英文翻译 :    causes
估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇的英文翻译,估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇,估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇的英文意思,估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顧 雇的英文估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇 meaning in English估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顧 雇的英文估 孤 古 谷 股 鼓 固 故 顾 雇怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。